
Apply / Join

Our books are now closed.

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It should be noted that all castings and assignments generally take place during weekdays, therefore if you work full time and are unable to attend castings and jobs at short notice, this is not viable. We take on all over England, however, you must be willing to travel and be aware that most of our jobs take place either in London for the South and Manchester for the North. Many shoots involve very early starts and long days and can be very short notice. All candidates should be flexible, hard working and professionally minded. Please do not waste yours or the agency's time applying to join if you are not serious and cannot commit. The agency cannot tolerate those that are not punctual, reliable and honest. 

Application Form

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It should be noted that all castings and assignments generally take place during weekdays, therefore if you work full time and are unable to attend castings and jobs at short notice, this is not viable. We take on all over England, however, you must be willing to travel and be aware that most of our jobs take place either in London for the South and Manchester for the North. Many shoots involve very early starts and long days and can be very short notice. All candidates should be flexible, hard working and professionally minded. Please do not waste yours or the agency's time applying to join if you are not serious and cannot commit. The agency cannot tolerate those that are not punctual, reliable and honest. 

